NCC 2022 Volume Three - Plumbing Code of Australia
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Part D1 Excessive noise

Part D1 Excessive noise

Introduction to this Part

This Part sets out the requirements to prevent excessive noise being generated from a plumbing and drainage system that could cause illness or loss of amenity to occupants in a building.


The Objective of this Part is to—

  1. safeguard people from illness, injury or loss (including loss of amenity) due to excessive noise of a plumbing and drainage system; and
  2. ensure that a plumbing and drainage system installation throughout its serviceable life will continue to satisfy the requirements of Objective (a).

Functional Statements

A plumbing and drainage system must operate in a way that avoids the likelihood of excessive noise of any part of the plumbing and drainage system, and minimises any adverse impact on building occupants.

VIC D1F1 Excessive noise2019: DF1

Delete subclause D1F1(1) and insert D1F1(1) as follows:

A plumbing and drainage system must be designed and installed so as to operate in a way that avoids the likelihood of excessive noise of any part of the plumbing and drainage system, and minimises any adverse impact on building occupants.

Performance Requirements

A plumbing and drainage system must not create undue noise.

(1) A plumbing and drainage system must reduce the transmission of airborne and/or impact generated sound which may cause illness or loss of amenity to occupants.

(2) The required sound insulation of a floor or wall must not be compromised by the incorporation or penetration of a plumbing or drainage system.


D1P2 only applies to a plumbing or drainage system that is located in—

  1. a separating wall of a Class 1 building; or
  2. a Class 2, Class 3 or Class 9c building that is required to be sound rated.


  1. Part F7 in Volume One of the NCC contains Performance Requirements F7P1 through to F7P4 which cover sound transmission and insulation in walls and floors of Class 2, Class 3 and Class 9c buildings.
  2. Part H4 in Volume Two of the NCC contains Performance Requirement H4P6 which covers sound insulation of walls in Class 1 buildings.

Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions

(1) Where a Deemed-to-Satisfy Solution is proposed, Performance Requirement

  1. D1P1 is satisfied by complying with D1D2; and
  2. D1P2 is satisfied by complying with D1D3.

NT D1D1 Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions2019: D1.1

Delete subclause D1D1(1) and insert D1D1(1) as follows:

(1) Where a Deemed-to-Satisfy Solution is proposed, Performance Requirement

  1. D1P1 is satisfied by complying with D1D2; and
  2. D1P2 is satisfied by complying with—
    1. NT F5.0 through to NT F5.8 in the NT Appendix to NCC Volume One for Class 2, 3 and 9c buildings; and
    2. NT Part 3.8.6 in NCC Volume Two for Class 1 buildings.

(2) Where a Performance Solution is proposed, the relevant Performance Requirements must be determined in accordance with A2G2(3) and A2G4(3) as applicable.

To prevent undue noise, plumbing and drainage systems must comply with—

  1. B1D3 for cold water services.
  2. B2D9 for heated water services.
  3. B3D3 for non-drinking water services.
  4. B4D2 for fire-fighting water services.
  5. B6D2 for rainwater services.
  6. C1D3 for sanitary plumbing systems.
  7. C2D4 for sanitary drainage systems.

VIC D1D2 Undue noise2019: D1.2

Delete subclause D1D2(1) and insert D1D2(1) as follows:

To prevent undue noise, plumbing and drainage systems must comply with—

  1. B1D3 for cold water services; or
  2. B2D9 for heated water services; or
  3. B3D3 for non-drinking water services; or
  4. B4D2 for fire-fighting water services; or
  5. B6D2 for rainwater services; or
  6. B7D4 for rainwater storage, or
  7. C1D3 for sanitary plumbing systems; or
  8. C2D4 for sanitary drainage systems, or
  9. C3D2, C3D3, C3D4, C3D5, C3D6 and C3D7 for on-site wastewater management systems, or
  10. E3D2 for stormwater drainage systems, and
  11. E4D2 for surface and sub-surface drainage systems.
NCC Title

Sound insulation

NCC State
NCC Variation Type
NCC SPTC Current
Sound insulation

(1) If a plumbing or drainage system serves or passes through more than one sole-occupancy unit in a Class 2, Class 3 or Class 9c building, it must be separated from the rooms of any other sole-occupancy unit by construction with an Rw + Ctr (airborne) not less than—

  1. 40 if the adjacent room is a habitable room (other than a kitchen); or
  2. 25 if the adjacent room is a kitchen or a non-habitable room.

(2) In Class 2, Class 3 or Class 9c buildings, a flexible coupling must be used to connect a pump to a plumbing or drainage system.

(3) If a plumbing or drainage system is located in (or passes through) a separating wall in a Class 1 building, it must—

  1. only be installed in discontinuous construction; and
  2. not be fixed to the wall of a dwelling that it does not serve; and
  3. have a gap not less than 10 mm between the pipe and a wall of a dwelling that it does not serve; and
  4. not be chased in if the separating wall is made of concrete or masonry.

Explanatory information

Specification 28 lists sound ratings for some common forms of construction. If any of these common forms of construction are used, the plumbing or drainage system must be installed in accordance with the requirements of that Specification.