NCC 2022 Volume One - Building Code of Australia Class 2 to 9 buildings
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Part I2 Public transport buildings

Part I2 Public transport buildings

Introduction to this Part

This Part provides additional Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions for Class 9b and Class 10 buildings that are used as public transport buildings. The provisions of this Part are based on the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002 (Transport Standards).

Performance Requirements

The Objectives and Functional Statements for Part I2 are contained in Sections D, E and F of this Guide. The Performance Requirements for Part I2 are contained in Sections D, E and F. Part I2 contains Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions for Class 9b and Class 10 public transport buildings additional to those contained in Parts D4, E3 and F4 that apply to public transport buildings.

Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions

2019: H2.1

To clarify which public transport buildings are subject to Part I2 and to what extent they are subject.

Part I2 specifically relates to buildings associated with public transport services, such as railway stations, bus interchanges, airports and ferry terminals. These requirements were previously located in the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002 (Transport Standards). Some versions of Australian Standards referred to in Part I2 may be different to those referred to in the remainder of the BCA. The correct version of the Australian Standard to be used can be determined by reference to Schedule 2.

I2D1(1) provides that the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of Part I2 apply to the passenger use areas of Class 9b or Class 10 buildings used for public transport. Class 9b and Class 10 public transport buildings must also satisfy the Deemed-to- Satisfy Provisions of Parts D4, E3 and F4.

I2D1(2) provides a rule for resolving inconsistencies between these requirements imposed on public transport buildings by providing that the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of Part I2 take precedence where there is a difference.

I2D1(3) provides that, as under the Transport Standards, certain requirements in Part I2 do not apply to ‘airports that do not accept regular public transport services’ as defined in the Transport Standards.

I2D1(4) provides that the exemption to A6G1(1) does not apply to Part I2 because the application of this provision to Part I2 could result in a different outcome to what would have been achieved under similar provisions that existed in the Transport Standards. Under the exemption to A6G1(1), if 10% or less of the floor area of a storey is used for a purpose which could be classified differently to the remainder of that storey, that part may be classified as being the same as the remainder.

2019: H2.2

To specify requirements for accessways in buildings covered by Part I2.

The requirements for accessways in I2D2 were previously located in the Transport Standards.

Accessways and manoeuvring areas may be for other purposes, such as standing areas, but it is expected that public transport passengers will be able to transit them and that they remain available for use by people with a disability when required.

Hazards created by poles, columns, stanchions, bollards and fixtures alongside accessways must be avoided. For example, the use of short posts to prevent delivery vehicles from driving onto parts of pedestrian areas, or commercial signs projecting from walls should be avoided.

I2D2(7) requires passing areas to be provided in prescribed locations, with the intent that they be wide enough for 2 people, each using a mobility aid, to pass one another.

2019: H2.3

To specify requirements for ramps in buildings covered by Part I2.

The requirements for ramps in I2D3 were previously located in the Transport Standards.

I2D3 provides requirements for accessible ramps in public transport buildings. Ramps forming part of an accessway must comply with clause 8 of AS 1428.2.

I2D3(2) provides that D4D12(a), which limits the combined vertical rise of connected ramps to 3.6 m, does not apply to buildings covered by Part I2.

2019: H2.4

To specify requirements for handrails and grabrails in buildings covered by Part I2.

The requirements for handrails and grabrails in I2D4 were previously located in the Transport Standards.

I2D4 provides requirements for handrails and grabrails in public transport buildings. I2D4(2) provides that handrails must be placed along an accessway to assist wherever passengers are likely to require additional support or guidance, such as changes of level, ramps, a narrowing or a change of direction of an accessway. I2D4(4) provides, in particular, that a grabrail or handrail must be provided at fixed locations where passengers are required to pay fares.

2019: H2.5

To specify requirements for doorways and doors in buildings covered by Part I2.

The requirements for doorways and doors in I2D5 were previously located in the Transport Standards.

I2D5 provides that doorways and doors must comply with clause 11 (except clause 11.5.2) of AS 1428.2. The BCA allows for doors that are automatic, power assisted or manual.

2019: H2.6

To specify requirements for lifts in buildings covered by Part I2.

The requirements for lifts in I2D6 were previously located in the Transport Standards.

I2D6 provides that lift facilities must comply with AS 1735.12.

2019: H2.7

To specify requirements for stairways in buildings covered by Part I2.

The requirements for stairways in I2D7 were previously located in the Transport Standards. I2D7 provides specifications for accessible stairways in public transport buildings.

The requirement for an accessway under the BCA means that stairways cannot be the sole means of access. However, stairways are acceptable as an optional route on an accessway.

2019: H2.8

To specify requirements for unisex accessible toilets in buildings covered by Part I2.

The requirements for unisex accessible toilets in I2D8 were previously located in the Transport Standards.

I2D8 provides that if toilets are provided, at least one unisex accessible toilet must be provided in accordance with AS 1428.1 (2001) clause 10, sanitary facilities.

2019: H2.9

To specify requirements for the location of accessible toilets in buildings covered by Part I2.

The requirements for the location of accessible toilets in I2D9 were previously located in the Transport Standards.

I2D9 provides that accessible toilets must be provided in the same location as other toilets.

2019: H2.10

To specify requirements for symbols and signs in buildings covered by Part I2.

The requirements for symbols and signs in I2D10 were previously located in the Transport Standards.

I2D10 provides requirements for symbols and signs, including where signs should be provided, and the specifications that the signs must comply with.

2019: H2.11

To specify requirements for tactile ground surface indicators (TGSIs) in buildings covered by Part I2.

The requirements for TGSIs in I2D11 were previously located in the Transport Standards.

I2D11 provides that TGSIs must be installed to define key areas on an accessway for people with vision impairment. TGSIs must comply with AS 1428.4 and must indicate changes in direction in accordance with clause 18.1 of AS 1428.2.

2019: H2.12
2019: H2.13

To specify requirements for hearing augmentation in buildings covered by Part I2.

The requirements for hearing augmentation in I2D13 were previously located in the Transport Standards.

I2D13 provides that if a public address system is installed, it must comply with clause 21.1 of AS 1428.2.

2019: H2.14

To specify requirements for emergency warning systems in buildings covered by Part I2.

The requirements for emergency warning systems in I2D14 were previously located in the Transport Standards.

I2D14 provides specifications for emergency warning systems. I2D14(2) provides that, in the event of an emergency, provision must be made for people with vision impairment to locate the exit path.

2019: H2.15

To specify requirements for controls in buildings covered by Part I2.

The requirements for controls in I2D15 were previously located in the Transport Standards.

I2D15 provides that controls must comply with clause 11 of AS 1428.2 which covers door handles and hardware, switches and general-purpose outlets (power points) and water taps.