Part 13.7 ServicesPart 13.7 Services
NSW 13.7.1 Application of Part 13.72019: NSW 3.12.5
Delete clause 13.7.1 and insert NSW 13.7.1 as follows:
- a Class 1 building; and
- a Class 10a building.
NSW 13.7.5 Electric resistance space heating
This clause been deliberately left blank
13.7.5 does not apply in NSW.
NSW 13.7.6 Artificial lighting
This clause been deliberately left blank
13.7.6 does not apply in NSW.
NSW 13.7.7 Water heater in a heated water supply system
This clause been deliberately left blank
13.7.7 does not apply in NSW.
NSW 13.7.8 Swimming pool heating and pumping
This clause been deliberately left blank
13.7.8 does not apply in NSW.
NSW 13.7.9 Spa pool heating and pumping
This clause been deliberately left blank
13.7.9 does not apply in NSW.