NCC 2022 Volume One - Building Code of Australia Class 2 to 9 buildings
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Part G5 Construction in bushfire prone areas
Part G5 Construction in bushfire prone areas
Introduction to this Part
This Part contains additional requirements for the construction of buildings located in designated bushfire prone areas, to address the additional risks posed by bushfire attack.
2019: GO5
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The Objective of this Part is to—
safeguard occupants from injury from the effects of a bushfire; and
protect buildings from the effects of a bushfire; and
facilitate temporary shelter for building occupants who may be unable to readily evacuate the building prior to a bushfire.
is to provide a resistance to bushfires in order to reduce the danger to life and minimise the risk of the loss of the building; and
if occupied by people who may be unable to readily evacuate the building prior to a bushfire, is to be constructed so as to provide its occupants shelter from the direct and indirect actions of a bushfire.
is to provide a resistance to bushfires in order to reduce the danger to life and minimise the risk of the loss of the building; and
if occupied by people who may be unable to readily evacuate the building prior to a bushfire, is to be constructed so as to provide its occupants shelter from the direct and indirect actions of a bushfire.
reduce the risk of ignition from a design bushfire with an annual exceedance probability not more than 1:100 years, or 1:200 years for a Class 9 building; and
reduce the risk of ignition from a design bushfire with an annual exceedance probability not more than 1:100 years, or 1:200 years for a Class 9 building; and
a Class 10a building or deck immediately adjacent or connected to a building of a type listed in (a) to (d).
For additional requirements relating to bushfire prone areas, refer to the Director’s Determinations on Bushfire Hazard Areas – current versions available at
reduce the risk of ignition from a design bushfire with an annual exceedance probability not more than 1:100 years, or 1:200 years for a Class 9 building; and
reduce the risk of ignition from a design bushfire with an annual exceedance probability not more than 1:100 years, or 1:200 years for a Class 9 building; and
a Class 10a building or deck immediately adjacent or connected to a building of a type listed in (a) to (d)
but does not apply when the classified vegetation is Group F rainforest (excluding wet sclerophyll forest types), mangrove communities and grasslands under 300 mm high.
reduce the risk of ignition from a design bushfire with an annual exceedance probability not more than 1:100 years, or 1:200 years for a Class 9 building; and
Additional bushfire requirements for certain Class 9 buildings
New for 2022
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A building that is constructed in a designated bushfire prone area and occupied by people who may be unable to readily evacuate the building prior to a bushfire must, to the degree necessary—
reduce the risk of an untenable indoor environment for occupants during a bushfire event, appropriate to the—
location of the building relative to fire hazards, including—
classified vegetation; and
adjacent buildings, structures and movable objects; and
a Class 4 part of a building associated with a building of a type listed in (a) to (c).
VIC G5P2 does not guarantee the safety of building occupants or the maintenance of tenable conditions within a building during a bushfire event.
NCC Title
Additional bushfire requirements for certain Class 9 buildings
NCC State
NCC Variation Type
NCC SPTC Current
Additional bushfire requirements for certain Class 9 buildings
NCC Blurbs
A building that is constructed in a designated bushfire prone area and occupied by people who may be unable to readily evacuate the building prior to a bushfire must, to the degree necessary—
reduce the risk of an untenable indoor environment for occupants during a bushfire event, appropriate to the—
location of the building relative to fire hazards, including—
classified vegetation; and
adjacent buildings, structures and movable objects; and
TAS G5P2 does not guarantee the safety of building occupants or the maintenance of tenable conditions within a building during a bushfire event.
For additional requirements relating to bushfire prone areas, refer to the Director’s Determinations on Bushfire Hazard Areas – current versions available at
NCC Title
Additional bushfire requirements for certain Class 9 buildings
NCC State
NCC Variation Type
NCC SPTC Current
Additional bushfire requirements for certain Class 9 buildings
NCC Blurbs
A building that is constructed in a designated bushfire prone area and occupied by people who may be unable to readily evacuate the building prior to a bushfire must, to the degree necessary—
reduce the risk of an untenable indoor environment for occupants during a bushfire event, appropriate to the—
location of the building relative to fire hazards, including—
classified vegetation; and
adjacent buildings, structures and movable objects; and
NSW G5P2 does not guarantee the safety of building occupants or the maintenance of tenable conditions within a building during a bushfire event.
NCC Title
Additional bushfire requirements for Class 9 buildings that are a special fire protection purpose
NCC State
NCC Variation Type
NCC SPTC Current
Additional bushfire requirements for Class 9 buildings that are a special fire protection purpose
A building that is constructed in a designated bushfire prone area and occupied by people who may be unable to readily evacuate the building prior to a bushfire must, to the degree necessary—
reduce the risk of an untenable indoor environment for occupants during a bushfire event, appropriate to the—
location of the building relative to fire hazards, including—
classified vegetation; and
adjacent buildings, structures and movable objects; and
building that operates in the event of a bushfire emergency, such as a public bushfire shelter or a bushfire emergency control centre.
(4) The ignition probability for a building must be assessed by application of the following:
An event tree analysis of relevant bushfire scenarios.
Design bushfire conditions that include combinations of the following actions appropriate to the distance between the building and the bushfire hazard:
Direct attack from airborne burning embers.
Burning debris and accumulated embers adjacent to a building element.
Radiant heat from a bushfire front.
Direct flame attack from a bushfire front.
(5) Applied fire actions must allow for reasonable variations in—
fire weather; and
vegetation, including fuel load, burning behaviour of vegetation (including the potential for crown fires); and
the distance of the building from vegetation; and
topography, including slopes and features that may shield; and
ignition of adjacent buildings, building elements, plants, mulch and other materials; and
effective size of fire front; and
duration of exposure; and
flame height; and
flame tilt; and
flame adhesion to sloping land; and
the height of the building and its elements.
(6) The assessment process must include consideration of—
the probability of non-complying construction of critical aspects of an approved design; and
the probability of critical aspects of an approved design being fully functional during the life of the building; and
inclusion of safety factors; and
sensitivity analysis of critical aspects of a proposed design.
G5V1 does not apply to a Class 9 building.
For a building that is subject to G5P2, and therefore outside the scope of G5V1, the building would need to comply with either—
the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of G5D4 if the building is located in an area subject to a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) not exceeding BAL – 12.5.
Table G5V1 Annual Probability of Exceedance (APE) for design bushfire actions
Importance Level
Complex analysis APE for bushfire exposure
Simple analysis APE for weather conditions (design bushfire)
No requirement
No requirement
Table Notes
Complex analysis must consider the probability of ignition, fire spread to the urban interface and penetration of the urban interface coincident with fire weather conditions.
a Class 10a building or deck immediately adjacent or connected to a building or part of a type in (a), (b) or (c).
If a building of a type listed in (c) or (d) where associated with a building listed in (c) is subject to a BAL exceeding BAL—12.5, the building would need to comply with Performance RequirementNSW G5P2 by means of a Performance Solution.
a Class 10a building or deck associated with a building of a type listed in (a) to (d).
(2) The Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions of this Part do not apply when the classified vegetation is Group F rainforest (excluding wet sclerophyll forest types), mangrove communities and grasslands under 300 mm high.
In a designated bushfire prone area, a Class 2 building, a Class 3 building, a Class 4 part of a building or a Class 10a building or deck immediately adjacent or connected to such a building or part, must comply with the following—
for Section 9 Construction for Bushfire Attack Level FZ (BAL-FZ), buildings subject to BAL-FZ must comply with specific conditions of development consent for construction at this level; or
the requirements of (a) above as modified by the development consent following consultation with the NSW Rural Fire Service under section 4.14 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 if required; or
the requirements of (a) above as modified by development consent with a bushfire safety authority issued under section 100B of the Rural Fires Act 1997 for the purposes of integrated development.
A Class 4 part of a building associated with a building of a type listed in (a) to (c).
(2) In a designated bushfire prone area, a Class 10a building or deck immediately adjacent or connected to a building of a type listed in (1)(a) to (c) must comply with S43C2 and S43C13.
the requirements of (a) or (b) above as modified by the development consent with a bushfire safety authority issued under section 100B of the Rural Fires Act 1997 for the purposes of integrated development.
NCC Title
Protection – Class 9 buildings used as a special fire protection purpose
NCC State
NCC Variation Type
NCC SPTC Current
Protection – Class 9 buildings used as a special fire protection purpose
(2) In a designated bushfire prone area, a Class 10a building or deck immediately adjacent or connected to a building of a type listed in (1) must comply with S43C2 and S43C13.
for areas identified as general bushfire risk areas in the Planning and Design Code, the BAL-Low bushfire attack level; and
for areas identified as medium bushfire risk areas in the Planning and Design Code, the BAL-12.5 bushfire attack level; and
for areas identified as high bushfire risk areas in the Planning and Design Code, the bushfire attack level assessed for the site in accordance with the requirements of AS 3959; and
for areas identified as urban interface in the Planning and Design Code that are within 500 m of a high bushfire risk area, the BAL-Low bushfire attack level; and
for areas identified as urban interface in the Planning and Design Code that are within 100 m of a high bushfire risk area, the bushfire attack level assessed for the site in accordance with AS 3959.